Every day can be Meatless

Quick & Easy Raw Salad:
●Cucumber peeled and cut small
●Bokchoy washed and cut small
●2 slices onion minced finely
●Grated ginger root
●Chia seeds
●Lime, Lemon, or Tangerine Juice
●●Mix everything together

Serve with:
● Eggplant washed & cut thin
●Cucumber washed, peeled & cut small
● 1 small onion chopped
● 6 cloves fresh garlic
● 2 medium ripe tomato chopped
● pinch Caraway seeds
● pinch Fennel seeds
● Jamaican spicy curry
● spicy Jamaican jerk sauce
● olive oil
●4 tablespoons hot water
Heat oil on medium. Add whole garlic and chopped onion. Fry on low heat till golden color. Add all other ingredients. Cover and cook till tender (about 10 minutes) Stir occasionally.
●●Serve with steamed sweet plantain

Healthy Dinner need not be time-consuming, expensive nor difficult. Enjoy!
