If you’ve ever experienced that unrelenting pain and soreness in your back, hip, knees, shin. How about sciatica pain, plantar fasciitis? Even finger and toe joints pain? If you answered YES to any of these, you are well aware of what I’m talking about.

For a number of years, I suffered from all the above at one time or the other.
Nursing kept me on my feet for 12 hours per day, with very little time to sit or rest my feet except during my 30 minutes lunch break.

Well, have  I found a remedy that I’d like to share with y’all.  It works for me every time.

● 2 cups Epsom Salt
● 1 bathtub filled with warm water as tolerated. (Warm not hot to prevent burning)
● I sometimes add 4 drops of Clove oil to the water.
Soak the achy body parts for 20 minutes. I do this twice daily for approximately 5 days.  Voila!
✔ Works every time…

Marva Riley
(Be sure to discuss any remedy with your medical practitioner before implementing)