So many are plagued with loneliness, anxiety, aloneness, depressed mood, lack of purpose, and a need to care for others, especially after the children have grown up and left.  Divorce, separation, retirement, and death often leave us feeling empty, lacking purpose, and useless.

A couple of years ago, we rescued a 3 months old puppy that was destined for the impound.  She was the cutest little thing with brown fur and white feet that look like shoes.  My hubby left to go to Mcdonald’s to grab a cup of coffee. He returned with this cutie and no coffee.  The neighbor’s dog had a few pups and was unable to keep them.  They decided to take them to the impound and were very happy to gift her to him.  The pup was 3 months old.

The next month found this baby in my bed sleeping next to my hubby.  She would cry for several hours unconsoled.  We fed her with cow’s milk which she liked very much.  There were many sleepless nights.

Trusty, as I named her, is now 2 years and 3 months and a delight to have around.  She is smart, great company, and loves to be with us, sitting at our feet every opportunity she gets.  We play dog soccer with her and are so intrigued as she balances the ball with her face.  She races around our 1-acre yard like lightning.  Each time that we go out, we are greeted with jumping and dancing as we return home.

If you’re feeling lonely and lacking purpose, consider adopting a pet.  There are many pet adoption agencies around that are ready to find the perfect little furry friend that will help to add that joy to your life.  That will help you to look forward to a new day of playing and fun.  You will be glad that you did.

Marva Riley, RN. Author