No Time To Cook Healthy🤷‍♀️

No Time To Cook Healthy🤷‍♀️

Not much time to cook healthy?🤷‍♀️ Steam some cabbage with onion, garlic, sweet pepper, tomato, mushrooms. Salt to taste, black pepper, a little water, 1 tablespoon olive oil. Steam on low for 15 minutes. Add cooked black eyed peas. Serve with a baked potato. Get your...
Dinner Today: Eating Healthy on A Budget

Dinner Today: Eating Healthy on A Budget

Dinner today: Salad: Raw bokchoy chopped Raw red onion slices Grated ginger root Top salad with lentil cooked with slices of pears (Pears from my tree) Cooked yellow corn sautéed eggplant on the side 💯Whoever said eating healthy doesn’t taste good hasn’t tried Marva’s...