Better Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar

Better Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar

How To Succeed WithYour New Year’s Health & Wellness Goals: 1. **Set Realistic Goals:** Define achievable and specific health goals that align with your long-term vision. 2. **Create a Plan:** Break down your goals into manageable steps. Develop a realistic plan...
Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

Why wait till it’s too late to make the change for Better Health? ☆Are you feeling your best? ☆ Is your energy level where you want it to be? ☆ Are you looking your best? ☆Are folks surprised when you tell them your age? ☆ Do you look and feel younger than your...
Stress Kills.  What will YOU do about it?

Stress Kills. What will YOU do about it?

Stress Kills So many folks are getting all sorts of health issues due to Chronic, Excessive Stress. Is it really worth the stress? Folks are so busy doing this and that. Pursuing this or that. Nothing is enough anymore. We want more, better, bigger. Isn’t it...