You Are Stronger Than You Think

You Are Stronger Than You Think

“No matter what kind of challenges or difficulties or painful situations you go through in your life, we all have something deep within us that we can reach down and find the inner strength to get through them.” Alana Stewart Keep your head up high & Never Give...


I am so delighted to collaborate with 12 other amazing authors to write & publish From Stuck to Limitless, an anthology featuring individuals who share their harsh truths about trauma and survival—from childhood sexual and mental abuse, adult traumas, and...
Silence is Golden

Silence is Golden

One of The most powerful Spiritual Practice is SILENCE. In the Silence you will find Peace & Clarity. Embrace the Silence. Be one with the Silence🙏 Marva Riley, RN Author Holistic Health Advocate Author of the book: EAT SLEEP MEDITATE A NURSE’S GUIDE TO HEALTH 📕...
Nature Heals

Nature Heals

Nature has a way of Calming the most disturbed spirit. Feeling down & out? Get outside, look up and around. Inhale deeply the crisp fresh air. Watch the sunset or the sunrise Listen to the chirping of the birds Observe the ripples, the waves Feel the gentle breeze...
Lower That Stress Level

Lower That Stress Level

Excerpt from Eat Sleep Meditate a Nurse’s Guide to Health. Marva Riley, RN Author 📚Pages 28-29 ”Why minimum stress level? There has been so much talk about stress in recent years that I think that most people know by now how detrimental stress is to our overall...