The Many Benefits of Exercise

The Many Benefits of Exercise

There are numerous benefits of exercise, including: 1. Improved physical health: Regular exercise helps to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and increase flexibility and endurance. It can also help to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of...
Exercise and Eat Healthy

Exercise and Eat Healthy

When you combine Healthy Eating with Exercise, you set yourself up for Success on your health journey. 👌🏿 You are more likely to resist illnesses & diseases 👌🏿 You are more likely to reverse chronic illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, chronic pain &...
Old Dogs New Tricks

Old Dogs New Tricks

Old dogs 🐕 do learn new tricks. This year, my fitness goals include lifting weights, stretching more & doing squats regularly. I’ve noticed that I’m stronger and can lift heavier weights comfortably as I practice. Marva Riley, RN Author of the book Eat Sleep...