Grocery Shopping Tips For Health Conscious Shoppers

Grocery Shopping Tips For Health Conscious Shoppers

Focus on fresh produce, choose whole grains, opt for lean proteins, and minimize processed foods. Read labels for hidden sugars and unhealthy fats, and plan meals ahead to avoid impulsive choices. Marva Riley RN, Author, Holistic Health Advocate International Speaker...
You Are Stronger Than You Think

You Are Stronger Than You Think

“No matter what kind of challenges or difficulties or painful situations you go through in your life, we all have something deep within us that we can reach down and find the inner strength to get through them.” Alana Stewart Keep your head up high & Never Give...
Aging Gracefully Aging Healthy

Aging Gracefully Aging Healthy

I am proud to say that I will celebrate my 59th Birthday in a few days.  One word that appropriately describes my feeling is GRATITUDE! Not too long ago, I was a frail, unhealthy, unhappy & discontent middle-aged woman.  Today, I gladly announce that all of that...
Happiness is Your Choice

Happiness is Your Choice

They say Happiness is a choice. How do you feel about that statement? So many people live most of their days being unhappy. Feeling sad. Lacking a sense of satisfaction & Contentment.  Such was I for umpteen of years. You see, I was married for over 25 years. The...


I’ve heard it said that life begins at 50. Then, I heard Ms. Oprah Winfrey state that if we thought that life begins at 50, just wait till you get to 60. That’s when real-life begins. I suppose if one is sickly and frail. If one is unhappy and discontent,...