Better Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar

Better Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar

How To Succeed WithYour New Year’s Health & Wellness Goals: 1. **Set Realistic Goals:** Define achievable and specific health goals that align with your long-term vision. 2. **Create a Plan:** Break down your goals into manageable steps. Develop a realistic plan...
Cayenne Pepper 🌶️

Cayenne Pepper 🌶️

I made my own Cayenne pepper 🌶️ powder. Peppers 🌶️ from my garden 🌶️wash & dry fresh pepper from my garden. Cut into small pieces (wear gloves). Include the seeds. Dry indoors until nice and crisp. Add to blender. Blend until powdery. Store in a glass container....
Fun Helps our Blood Pressure & Sleep

Fun Helps our Blood Pressure & Sleep

All dressed up, feeling cute. Gonna hit the town and shake my booty💃 The health benefits of fun 1. Stress reduction: Engaging in fun activities can help reduce stress levels by providing a distraction from daily worries and responsibilities. Fun activities release...
Lettuce Wrap Recipe with Sautéed Mushrooms

Lettuce Wrap Recipe with Sautéed Mushrooms

Dinner today 🎈Sautéed lentils with mushrooms, onion, garlic, tomato, scallion, chickpeas, black pepper, salt, olive oil. 🎈Pile on lettuce 🥬 leaves Enjoy outdoors dining in my backyard ✅ 📚For more Simple, Healthy, Easy & Delicious recipes like this. Order my recipe...

Plantbased Foods Benefits

🥬Higher nutrient intake: Plant-based foods are often abundant in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. A varied plant-based diet can provide all the necessary nutrients for optimal health. Marva Riley