Being Healthy & Well is a decision and a choice that we have to make for ourselves. Of course, there are many people who suffer from illnesses that are no cause of theirs.  There are, however, millions of folks that suffer from chronic illnesses like hypertension,...

Sun, The natural Source of Vitamin D

I recall seeing the adults stand in the warmth of the early morning sun while living in the country parts of Jamaica where I grew up. They would gather by a tree as they reasoned about whatever the topic of the day was, politics, religion, family, the crops. Now that...

Your Own Journey

Do not be discouraged by other people’s accomplishments on their health journey. Be encouraged by your decision to join the walk, the journey. We all can’t be a size 2, size 4, size 6, or whatever the “ideal” size is. Do your thing. We’re...


It is well known that exercise is vital for good Heath. Many associate exercises with paying for a gym membership which many cannot afford and so many pay and never use.  We associate exercise with hardcore workouts, boot camps, jogging, running, and other intense...